Big week for our big girl. As of today she's 2.14 lbs and is wearing clothes. I know it's not the best picture but it's what I have to show for now. She needs some cute outfits but mama has to have time, energy and a ride to get out and shop. Grandma had bought her some preemie stuff but it's still a little too big. She is growing daily so it wont be long before she's in it.
We have big news today...(I'll spare pictures of this aspect) our little squirt is doing so great that at 32 weeks gestational age 2 weeks old she's getting to nuzzle at the breast!!!! HUGE for a baby her age. They don't normally start until 32 weeks. Babies learn the suck, swallow, breathe technique at 34-36 weeks gestation so for her to be ready to start learning at 32 is awesome!! We tried for a short period today. She latched a few times and got a few drops of milk but she's not quite sure what to think about it. I had just pumped to ensure that she was not able to swallow gulps as she could choke. We had a great first session though being a bit chesty with a baby a third of the size is a little difficult. It is a learning process for both of us but I am ecstatic to have her try.
My big girl is doing great and at this rate maybe she will be home around 36 weeks!! So pray that she gets the whole breast feeding thing down and that mama learns how to help her quickly so we can start bottles and get this girl growing!
I wanted to add a special thanks to the people who have stepped up and helped. We really appreciate you and everything you are doing. We of course still need volunteers this is a tough road. I met a few other NICU parents today and the struggle is the same for them. There is a Ronald McDonald Room that gives us all a place to sit down and relax in between visits. What a great charity!
That's all for today this mama needs to get her boobie... I mean beauty sleep. More to come!
Casey, Tom and Our Sweet Caroline