Strangers in the NICU... Caroline Meet Grandma and Grandpa Anderson!

Tom's parents came up to see our sweet girl last night. They were ecstatic to get to hold her! Thank you to both of them for all they have done from helping with watching Mikayla and Kirstin to driving us around. We would have been lost with out them!
She weighs 4 lbs 13 oz!
So the road goes on forever but this party will end. Tom and I are very proud of our chunk. Caroline is 5 weeks old, growing and doing good with bottle feeding. As you can see from the pictures I got to give her a bath yesterday. She loves the water but is not crazy about washing her chubby parts. She is a very laid back baby and doesn't cry much. She's not crazy about diaper change or taking her temperature but hardly ever fusses past that.
She is up to two bottles a day!! We are looking at about two more weeks if I were to guess with the progress she is making. Every time she gets the bottle we practice breast feeding too. She wears out very quickly and it's important for her to get all of her food via bottle so we can get her out of there so I only breast feed for a short period first.
Our sweet girl is growing big and I can't wait for all of you to meet her. We have decided that for my shower it will not be a meet the baby type event but I am shooting for a guest appearance for a very limited time. It will depend on how long she has been home and how many people are there. She can not be around too much noise and it is critical that she not be around anyone who is sick. We will have to play this by ear but I hope that she can come for a very short period of time. I will however be happy to have visitors to the house a few days after we get her home.
I am excited to say that I am doing very well too. My c-section wound is almost completely closed and with out my wound vac I am doing 500 times better. It did it's job but darn it was a pain in my butt... or belly in this case. I feel like a person again. I'm even wearing pre-pregnancy clothes again too! YEH!
Thank you all as always for the support and prayers.
Casey, Tom and Our Sweet Caroline
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