Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eternus Fides... Keeping my Faith.

Today's weekly appointment proved to be exactly what I thought it would be.  Although I have had what I will describe as an uneventful week, yesterday I developed what I will say is as close to a migraine as I have ever had.  I thought maybe because I had gotten out of the house and out in the pollen that maybe it was allergy related but after no help from any over the counter medicine I had to mention it to my high risk doctor.  I had an appointment with her today so I wasn't in a "hurry" to have her admit me.  Headaches can be a major symptom of Pre Eclampsia and when associated with any type of visual disturbances it's kind of a big deal.  After a very restless night of hip and head pain I thought to myself about 5 am I am over being pregnant... I TAKE IT BACK NOW!

Dr. Destefano has ordered the steroid shots to help develop Caroline's lungs.  I have had one of two in this first round.  The shots are good for two weeks at at time and they will only give two rounds of two shots if needed but when asked we have a 50/50 chance of delivery with in the next two weeks.  The shots are best if used within two days of getting them... so we may have a baby very very soon.  Two of my best friends birthdays are this week one on the first and one on the fourth.  I joke that I'm going to give them the best birthday present they could hope for.

As for me I am of course anxious or maybe scared... I don't really know how to describe my feelings.  It's definitely overwhelming.  My doctor hugged me which has one never happened and two seems to be out of genuine concern.  We all have an eventful few days and I pray that the tests show to be much less of a big deal and that this is all precautionary as usual but only time will tell.  I am doing a lot of testing for the next few days but I know I am in good hands.  Tom is off work until Friday night so I have my rock beside me as usual.  We are supposed to pick up the girls on Friday... Not sure how all of that will work out but it always seems to fall into place.  I can't say we need anything at the moment.   I unfortunately don't have a lot of answers...

PS My shower is scheduled for the 9th and is still on for now.  No changes will be made to that until we know more.  We may have the shower with me via web cam...  Those details will also fall into place over the next few days.

Lots of prayers our way.  I'm not normally one to ask but believe in his will to be done.  If she's supposed to be here... she will be.

Love to you all,
Casey, Caroline and Tom 


  1. casey, a shower is not a shower without you. reschedule it for july, or everyone can go to the hospital and have it in your room! thinking and praying for all 3 of you

  2. Well no one... you are obviously someone I am just not sure who.

    :P I maybe home I have no idea if that will be the case but I will have more info in the next few days! Currently doing a test that requires at least 24 hours so at the earliest it will be Thursday before we know what happens next. Until then we wait.
